Peer Massage Project® Workshops
Workshop 1
What is Peer massage and Positive Touch?
A short introductory presentation either for teachers or parents.
Workshop 2
Underpinning theory and practical guidelines for teachers
a 3-hour workshop for Teachers giving the underpinning theory and practical guidelines on the basic self and peer massage sequences. (Phase One- Orientation Phase)
Workshop 3
Basic self and peer massage sequences
30-45 minute workshops for children introducing them to the basic self and peer massage sequences. (Phase One- Orientation Phase)
Workshop 4
Recap, inspire and learn new massage stories!
A one and a half hour workshop for teachers (Phase Three- Ongoing Development)
Workshop 5
New Massage Stories for Children
30-45 minute workshops for children introducing them to new massage stories. (Phase Three- Ongoing Development)
Workshop 6
Learn how to write a massage story.
A one and a half hour workshop for teachers. (Phase Three- Ongoing development)
Workshop 7
Learn how to write a massage story
a 45-minute workshop for children (Phase Three- Ongoing development)
Workshop 8
Welcome to positive touch
An hour and a half workshop for parents and their children to learn the basic self and peer massage sequences.
Workshop 9
New massage stories for parents and children
An hour and a half workshop for parents and children to learn new massage stories.
Workshop 10
University Presentations and workshops for undergraduate teachers
An Introduction to Positive touch and Peer Massage and how this can help behaviour management.
Workshop 11
It’s Cool to be Calm!
A 30- 40 minute workshop for children using massage to help anger management.
The latest workshop – Carole teaches a group of final year teaching students at Kingston University.
For prices please contact
Up and coming workshops – see News
The Peer Massage Project® began in Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, over 5 years ago, working regularly with a number of primary schools with very encouraging results. The Peer Massage Project® is a straight forward, logical process in which the skills are easily learned. Children learn simple self and peer massages through their clothing. The Peer Massage Project® is then managed in the classroom by teachers to fit appropriately into their own teaching schedule.
- The Peer Massage Project® is straight forward and logical
- Children learn simple self and peer massage through their clothing
- Peer Massage Project® is managed in the classroom by teachers to fit appropriately into their own planned teaching
- The process and skills required are easily learned
The Peer Massage Project® is designed to have benefits for the whole school from Nursery to Year 6 and is rolled out within 3 stages. Stage One is the Orientation Phase which usually takes 2 weeks and involves training teachers and children in their own school site. This phase ensures that effective governance procedures are in place and that teachers and children gain the required skills and knowledge. Teachers are trained within workshops to become proficient in self and peer massage and learn practical guidelines and underpinning theory. Once the teachers are trained and confident, the children become involved. They learn simple touch games, relaxation techniques, important boundaries and basic self and peer massage sequences.
The Implementation Phase is Stage Two in which the shcool, teachers and children use their skills to embed the short activities in the PMP into their daily teaching regimes. Teachers choose the time of day that suits their schedule and will lead to the most positive outcomes. In this stage, teachers and children build their confidence in using the self and peer massage sequence and appreciate the benefits that the Peer Massage Project® has for the class, for learning and for individual development. Stage Three encompasses Ongoing Development. The purpose of this stage is to further expand the proficiency of teachers and children with more advanced training in new massage sequences and the use of massage stories.
“All the children and staff at Kirkdale St Lawrence have embraced Peer Massage over the past two years and the children and staff look forward to these times in the week. Following a peer massage session the children are in a much better frame of mind for work and calmness is more apparent in the classroom. The younger children really enjoy the massage stories and we have used them throughout the curriculum.”
Mrs. Emma Cottom TLR